Magic wands and other tools color and change blocks in the world.
The ground-level world features nine zones. arranged in a 3x3 grid on the xz plane. Each zone has a different Nowhere biome, as a base environment for the different things to be found there, and as a backdrop for building and creating! The red zone is themed after a forest recovering from a fire, with scorched ground, surviving cedar trees, and abundant fireweed and alder trees growing up from the renewed soil.
The orange zone features fields of pumpkins, and forested hills covered with leaflitter.
Giant sunflowers grow in the yellow zone!
The green zone features trees from the other zones, all growing together, all with green leaves. It's an evergreen forest!
The blue zone is fairly sparce, with spikey blue grasses, little flowers, and mysterious, translucent star trees.
The indigo zone is overgrown with brambles.
Here are some decorative shelves, potted plants, and the placeholder player sprite.
Little witch house!
Another spooky little house :B
This is the palette! Lots of different colors are possible by overlaying colors onto different block textures.
These are from an earlier iteration of this project, and older palette! I like being able to put in more detail with 32x32 resolution per block, for the textures, but 16x16 is also fun.